Why Email Deliverability Matters and How to Improve It for Your Business

Why Email Deliverability Matters

Email has become the backbone of modern communication, and it’s hard to imagine running a business without it. It’s a reliable, fast, and efficient way to communicate with customers, clients, and colleagues. However, as with any form of communication, there are hurdles to overcome to ensure that your message reaches its intended recipient. That’s where email deliverability comes in.

Why Email Deliverability is Important for Your Business

Email deliverability is the ability to get an email into the recipient’s inbox. It’s not just about sending an email, but also ensuring that it lands in the recipient’s inbox and doesn’t end up in their spam folder or get blocked by their email provider. It’s an important metric for businesses to keep an eye on because if your emails aren’t getting delivered, you’re missing out on potential revenue and engagement opportunities.

For example, if a customer signs up for your newsletter and never receives it, they may assume they weren’t successfully subscribed and move on, missing out on your future communications. Similarly, if a client misses an important email from you, it could lead to a missed deadline or miscommunication, which could harm your business’s reputation.

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Factors that Affect Email Deliverability

There are several factors that can impact email deliverability. Here are a few of the most common ones:

1. Sender Reputation

Your sender reputation is a score assigned by email providers that determines if your emails are trustworthy and legitimate. It takes into account factors like your email volume, email engagement, and spam complaints. If your sender reputation is low, your emails are more likely to be marked as spam or blocked altogether.

2. Email Content

The content of your email can also impact deliverability. Emails that contain too many images, certain keywords, or links to suspicious websites can trigger spam filters and lead to your emails being marked as spam. Additionally, emails that are too large or take too long to load can also be flagged by email providers.

3. Email Authentication

Email authentication is the process of verifying that an email is legitimately from the sender and hasn’t been tampered with in transit. There are several authentication protocols, including SPF, DKIM, and DMARC. If your emails fail authentication checks, they may be rejected or marked as spam.

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