Why Consider Robotic Arms in Hip Replacement Procedures?

Medical science and technology have improved drastically around the world. AI (Artificial Intelligence) and robotics play a critical role in the success of different surgical procedures. One such example is robotic hip replacement, especially related to sports injuries. Several hospitals and medical facilities are involving the use of robotics during hip replacement surgeries. Studies find that using robotics in such surgical procedures increases the success rate ten-fold in terms of accuracy and better results. The multiple benefits of robotic hip replacement encourage surgeons and patients to consider it over traditional hip replacement procedures.

3-dimensional planning and visualization

One of the highlights of robotic involvement in the surgical procedure is creating a 3D computerized model of the patient’s hip joint. The presence of a 3-dimensional model helps the surgeon visualize the concerning portion and accordingly plan the surgery. Since every patient possesses a specific anatomy, the 3D model helps to customize the treatment plan as per the needs and medical requirements of the patient.

More precise and improved control

Including a robotic arm in a hip replacement increases the accuracy level of the orthopedic surgeon’s hands. This indicates more precision and consistency when the femur is cut, the acetabulum is reamed, and the implanted elements are placed in position. It has been observed that the involvement of robotics in hip replacement procedures can decrease inaccuracies by 95% or more. Thus, minimal risks are associated with dislocations and complications of traditional hip replacement.

Safe procedure

The forte of robotic hip replacement is that the procedure can be performed within a safe zone. The specifications of the 3-dimensional model of the patient’s hip are incorporated onto the robot. This assures that the minute surgical cutting and squeezing tools and instruments are always within the safe zone. Because of the precision and consistency in the usage of surgical instruments and tools, the positioning and angulation of the hip implant parts stay as close to the concerned location as possible.

No injury to healthy tissues

The robotic arms are designed in such a way that they can make accurate movements every time. Furthermore, it enables the surgical procedure to be performed in tight spaces via tiny incisions. This helps to cause minimal damage to the surrounding tissues. Robotic arms in hip surgery utilize the minimally invasive anterior approach without cutting any muscles around the hip region.

Better outcomes

Studies show that robotic hip replacement surgery is better in several ways than traditional hip replacement. The primary advantage is that robotic surgery ensures faster recovery, with fewer or no surgical complications, unlike traditional hip replacement. Furthermore, patients experience less pain and smaller and less noticeable scars or incision marks.


The success rate of robotic hip replacement surgeries is pretty high. This is one of the main reasons why surgeons in the USA and other advanced countries use robotic arms in surgeries. It is a popular choice among athletes, who demand faster recovery and better results without requiring multiple surgeries.