What Causes Tongue Biting?

Biting your tongue, which is usually considered a small and brief annoyance that seems to affect everyone at some point in their lives, can become an uncomfortable experience for multiple people who need help. Tongue biting happens sometimes while you eat, talk, or even when you are sleeping which causes some bit of pain and discomfort to more severe cases of injury. This definitive guide by an Orange Park general dentist will thoroughly cover each of the factors that cause tongue biting. It will study all the potential reasons that make your body manifest this common oral issue

Dental Misalignment:

Dental misalignment is one of the common reasons that cause tongue biting and is sometimes referred to as malocclusion. Because sometimes the teeth do not sit properly, especially during eating or talking. This improper alignment may cause the tongue to rise in between your mouth and lead to accidental biting or injury due to this reason. Malocclusion severity may vary and can either be a minor malalignment or advance to an overbite, underbite, crossbite, or combination. Each of these complexities will increase the potential for tongue-biting.

Seizures or Movement Disorders:

Seizures epilepsy and some movement disorders are among the many things that can cause tongue spasms or tremors. When experiencing a seizure or event, it is also possible to accidentally bite your tongue when uncontrolled movements cause damage and pain. People with conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, Tourette syndrome, or dystonia might also have uncontrollable movements that put them at risk of biting the tongue.

Stress and Anxiety:

If something is causing you emotional stress, anxiety, or other nervous habits like nail-biting or lip-chewing, this might manifest as tongue-biting. When at the time, they unconsciously or subconsciously bite or chew their tongue due to tension and stress which can be in many forms. Chronic stress can worsen this condition, causing a person to exhibit tongue-biting habits: even when they stop being subjected to acute incidents

It is a common oral annoyance, appearing with dental causes such as misaligned teeth and conditions like movement disorders or mental stresses in the form of anxiety and stress; along with other potential habitual factors. In summary, acquiring a deeper knowledge of the factors that lead to biting your tongue will enable you as an individual to work on removing predisposing causes and diminishing both the frequency and severity of episodes when they happen while simultaneously relieving any pain or discomfort.