How much money you can earn from trading

Making money in the Forex market is a very challenging task. People don’t have the skills needed to deal with the dynamic nature of the market. All they think is a big profit and money they have lost. Those who are thinking to become a fulltime trader have a lot to learn from this market. If you want to be good at trading, you have to focus on the core concepts of the market. You can’t afford to take trades with an emotional approach since it will create massive stress.

People always think they can become a millionaire by trading. But the amount of money that you can earn as a trader depends on a few important factors. Today we will learn some of the key facts that will help you to determine how much money you can make as a currency trader.

The size of your investment

If you invest a big amount of money, you are supposed to make a big profit. We are assuming that you have decent skills and you know how to scale the trading in the most efficient way. Before you put yourself under a stress test, you have to know the proper way to deal with the market dynamics. Things might be tough at the initial stage but once you learn to take the trades with discipline a big size investment can help you secure big profit from this market. But this should be done in a very organized way.

Depend on the broker

Without having access to a good broker, you won’t be able to execute high-quality trades. The majority of retail traders are losing money because  they don’t know how to manage the trade in the most efficient way. But if you take a look at the top broker website, you will learn the importance of the professional tool. By using a premium trading platform, you can do the market analysis with a high level of accuracy and change your life without having any issue. So chose your broker very carefully so that you don’t have to lose too much money. Things are very difficult for the novice traders but once you become a part of a good broker, you can boost up the profit to a great extent.

Depends on your risk management skill

You should have the ability to deal with the losing trades. Remember the fact, trading is nothing but managing the risk exposure in the most efficient way. Take your time and try to learn the advanced art of money management so that you don’t have to blow up the account. Once you become skilled at analyzing the market dynamics, you won’t have trouble making decisions. Things might be tough at the initial stage but once you focus on the core factors of the market, you will be able to make a decent return.

Realistic return

Some of you might be waiting to know about the percentage return from the trades. In order to protect your trading capital, you have to focus on the core factor of your skill. If your trading system can generate more than an 80% profit, you can expect to make 10% + return monthly. But if the size of your investment is very big, you should expect such a return annually. No one should take trades earning a huge amount of money. Setting up a realistic goal is the only way you can ensure a big profit potential in trading. Once you become good at analyzing the market dynamics, you feel the urge to change things from scratch.


By now you should have a fair idea about the return factor of this market. Never get carried away by seeing the big returns. Follow the tips mentioned here and try to reduce the risk. Take your trade with managed risk so that you don’t have to lose a big sum of money.