Fire Consultants 101 – 5 Common Causes Of Fire Accidents Inside Workplaces

The safety of your employees and business is of utmost importance. Fire protection is an advantageous approach for preventing and mitigating the destructive effects of fire incidences. It is not surprising to see why hiring fire engineering consultants is becoming appealing among today’s enterprises and workplaces.

Fire accidents and fatalities are common. Nevertheless, we can all minimise risk with proper strategy and planning. For prevention, it is within our responsibility to ensure that the risk and probability of such occurrence do not happen. Taking possible precautions and countermeasures will ensure that it does not happen—especially when determining the root cause. Here are some of the most common causes of fire at the workplace:

Human Error

Human error is perhaps one of the biggest contributing factors to the cause of fire damages and fatalities. People do make mistakes. However, these mistakes can be deadly, destructive and costly. Forgetting to put out cigarettes, leaving an appliance unplugged or spilling water on electrical equipment can be a starting point. Hence many opt to hire fire consultants to empower companies and organisations by bringing awareness to simple mistakes that can lead to tragedy.

Faulty Electrical Equipment

Faulty electrical wirings are common, such as loose wires and faulty connections. Nevertheless, they can end up in dangerous fire incidents and accidents. It can happen anywhere, even at home and in warehouses. Therefore, routine inspections and maintenance can be an enormous lifesaver against these death traps that make your workplace and even home vulnerable to catching fire. Installing fire suppression systems, paying for fire consultants and implementing safety measures are also a must priority.

Careless and Negligence

Negligence is another primary factor that causes fire accidents inside the workplace aside from human error. For example, some may light a match or leave a fire in the kitchen and leaving them can cause a full-blown fire breakout. In such cases, one can define negligence as a failure to meet the standard level of care rather than committing incorrect decisions (errors). Investing in proper staff training can eliminate risk factors.

Presence of Combustible Materials

The presence of flammable and combustible materials poses a serious risk, which is what many fire protection consultants often advise. Improper storage is the main culprit. Hence investing in proper storage systems or spaces is the most common solution to remove combustible materials and chemicals.

Lack of Staff Training

The absence of proper staff training can lead to poor decisions and responses during fire disasters leading to higher casualties and damages. Staff training is vital in dealing with circumstances and preventing fire accidents from becoming catastrophic. Educate your staff about common causes of fire, flammable materials, and proper responses if a fire breaks out.

If you are looking for a fire safety consultant in Singapore, visit SHEVS IFT Consultants for fire consultation services.