Are You Working With The Wrong Customs Brokerage Services? Know The Signs!

The only thing worse than the complexities of the customs clearance process is hiring a bad customs brokerage company. You put your trust and faith into these people to ensure your shipments go through seamlessly. When they do not do as they claim, it can be disheartening. It can also cause one to never work with another customs broker again. 

If you want to save your time and money from being wasted on these people, you should know the signs of a bad broker. For most people, it is when the customs brokers cannot get anything done on time and are unable to answer their clients’ questions. Hire an experienced team today and obtain your its number for Canda today. 

Signs you are working with the wrong customs brokerage company 

  • You have been previously fined. 

It is important to understand that if you are working with the right customs broker company, you will not have to pay fines. Therefore, it is a pretty clear sign if you were fined before. The customs clearance department only fines you when there is something wrong. The main reason this happens is that organizations choose to hire cheap services to save money. However, hiring someone who is a bit more expensive but experienced can save you thousands of dollars. 

  • There is a lack of communication and transparency. 

A surefire sign that something is not right is when you have no idea what is happening. The company you have hired should update you with the process multiple times every day. If you do not know which paperwork has been done and what is pending, they are not doing it right. They should also address your queries promptly. If it is taking them more than 24-48 hours to respond, that is something problematic. 

  • They do not know which laws apply to your specific industry. 

A big part of being in a customs brokerage company is knowing the rules and regulations that business owners usually do not keep up with. As a business owner, you already have a lot on your plate. Customs experts should be up-to-date with the latest guidelines and know which ones apply to your business particularly. This prevents imports from suffering from unnecessary delays and fines. 

  • There is an excessive delay in customs clearance. 

When you hire someone experienced, it gives you the confidence that they know what they are doing. If your shipments are suffering excessive delays more than one or two times, it is a red flag. It is not only frustrating but costly for your business.