Prevent Vertigo by Visiting a Chiropractor.

Shot of a chiropractor adjusting a young woman's spine

Vertigo affects around 40% of persons over 40 at some point. It may be crippling and even prevent you from enjoying life.

What Exactly Is Vertigo?

You get a feeling when you move swiftly, spin in circles, or get up quickly. Typically, you will feel as though the area or room is spinning or swaying when sitting or standing stationary. This sense of unbalance and loss of control might last for many minutes or hours.

Vertigo Causes

The most prevalent cause of dizziness and vertigo is BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo), commonly known as Positional Vertigo or Benign Vertigo.

In general, roughly 20% of all dizziness cases are caused by Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, while Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo causes about 50% of all dizziness cases in elderly patients.

Vertigo may also be caused by labyrinthitis or vestibular neuronitis, an inner ear infection. There are also more severe reasons for vertigo, such as tumours, strokes, and neurological illnesses like MS (multiple sclerosis). Other symptoms may be present with these diseases, often detected during chiropractic or neurological examination.

The Causes of BPPV

BPPV often starts with the following:

  • Use of ototoxic drugs such as gentamicin 
  • Aging 
  • A virus or a severe cold
  • A brain injury

Whiplash and head trauma are the most prevalent causes among those under 50. In elderly persons, the most pervasive reason is generally deterioration of the inner ear vestibular system. BPPV becomes more prevalent as people age. Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo is classified as “idiopathic” in 50% of instances, which means it develops for no apparent cause.

Diagnosis of BPPV

Chiropractors may identify this illness after taking a thorough case history and physical and neurological examination. Chiropractors use tests such as the Dix-Hallpike test or the Nylen-Barany test/manoeuvre to distinguish peripheral from central vertigo. We also have a state-of-the-art balance testing lab with computerised video nystagmography, air calorics, head movement sensors, and a computerised balance testing platform. We utilise this technology not just to establish a more precise diagnosis than a physical examination but also to track improvement.

Treatment for BPPV

Certain repositioning manoeuvres are used to cure BPPV. For example, the Semont or Epley movement, a simple procedure that can cure your BPPV, is taught to chiropractors.

Your chiropractor will move you into specific postures based on the prior evaluation results, utilising gravity to transfer the calcium carbonate (CaCO3) crystals away from your inner ear and into a particular place where they will relieve your symptoms.

Then there will be home workouts (Vestibular rehabilitation exercises).