The Right Underlayment for Raised Flooring

There are several different types of wood can different types of underlayment that can be used for raised flooring  and each has its benefits and drawbacks.

One common type of underlayment is vinyl flooring adhesive. It’s affordable, easy to install, and requires no special care. However, it’s not durable and may require periodic replacement.

Another type of underlayment is carpet adhesive. It’s more expensive than vinyl flooring adhesive, but it’s also more durable and can last up to 10 years without requiring replacement. However, it tends to be heavier and harder to move around, so it may not be the best choice if you plan on moving your raised floor frequently.

The final option is tile adhesive. It’s the most expensive option overall, but it also offers the longest lifespan (up to 50 years) and the best resistance to moisture (it won’t crack or become slippery). However, it can be difficult to install due to its heavy weight and tendency to trap air bubbles under the surface.

The Best Wood for Raised Flooring

There are several different types of wood that can be used for raised flooring, but the best option depends on the specific needs of your project. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Durability: Wood is a natural material, so it will eventually start to rot and decay. If your raised floor is going to be used regularly and for a long period, you’ll want to choose a wood that is resistant to decay and pests.
  • Water resistance: Some woods are better at resisting water damage than others. You’ll want to make sure that the wood you choose can handle any rain or moisture that might fall on it.
  • Pest resistance: Some pests like termites are attracted to moist areas, so you’ll want to make sure that the wood you choose is pest-resistant.
  • Appearance: You may also want to consider the look of your raised flooring when deciding which type of wood to use. Some woods lend themselves more easily to a certain style or design than others.

Finishes for Durability for Raised Flooring

There are a few different types of finishes that can be applied to raised flooring to make it more durable and easier to clean.

One popular option is a sealant finish. This is a coating that’s sprayed on top of the flooring, and it forms a protective barrier that prevents dirt, dust, and moisture from sticking to the surface. It also helps trap smoke and gas inside the room, preventing them from escaping and causing damage.

Another common finish is an epoxy finish. This is a two-part system that starts by applying a liquid epoxy to the entire surface of the flooring. This will harden quickly, forming a strong seal that protects the flooring from water, oil, and other corrosive substances.

Finally, there’s a urethane finish. This is similar to epoxy in that it forms a strong sealant but with some additional benefits: it’s resistant to scratches, fading, watermarks, and other marks that may occur over time.