Whether you are looking for Christian or Taoist funeral services in Singapore, learning how to prepare for a funeral is essential. Having the knowledge about the steps you need to take when preparing for a loved one’s funeral will save you from a massive hassle.
Without further ado, here are ways you can take to deal with and arrange the funeral of a loved one after their passing:
1. Register the certificate of cause of death
Before you can decide to hire a funeral director in Singapore, you need to ensure the registration of the death of a loved one within 24 hours. A hospital or doctor will usually issue the certificate. Hence, if your loved one dies at home, you should contact a doctor to visit your home and issue the cause of death. If the passing is unnatural, it will be referred to the police agency for investigation.
2. Contact a funeral director
Once the certificate of cause of death is acquired, you can engage a funeral director for the arrangement and casket services in Singapore that you need. The funeral director will collect the body for the embalming process and prepare the body to be sent for the funeral.
3. Register the death
Registering for the death of a loved one is different from the certificate of cause of death (CCOD). However, they have similarities—it needs to be registered within 24 hours after the death. You can register at an ICA or a nearby police post if the death occurred at home.
4. Arrange for the wake/funeral
If you’re looking for a Taoist or Christian funeral service in Singapore, this is the opportunity to prepare and settle everything needed for the wake/funeral. Ensure that the funeral package matches the budget. Make sure that family members, relatives and friends were all informed well about the death. You can either choose to have the event at your home or a rented place.
If you are looking for a 24-hour funeral service, visit Ang Chin Moh for more info.