4 Reasons Why Retail Energy Brokerage Firms Choose Enerclix

The retail energy sector is competitive and constantly changing. Brokerage firms that assist retailers with their energy sourcing need to stay on top of the latest trends and developments to give themselves an edge when negotiating contracts. The retail energy sector is highly fragmented with many independent brokers serving small clients. Each energy broker needs to find ways to stand out from the competition and set themselves apart from the rest of the pack. The following are four reasons why retail energy brokers choose Enerclix as their partner in sourcing their energy needs.

Enerclix is a trusted and reliable partner.

Energy sourcing is a complex process and requires a reliable partner who can provide transparency in the selection and negotiation process. Retail energy brokers need a trusted partner who can support them by providing reliable data, energy broker software, transparent communication, and prompt response times. Enerclix provides all of these and more. Retail energy brokers can partner with Enerclix on their sourcing initiatives and can be confident that they are working with a trusted and reliable partner. Enerclix’s large and diverse client base allows brokers to tap into a large network of retail electricity providers, which allows them to source the best rates available in the market. Retail energy brokers can also rely on Enerclix’s experienced and knowledgeable energy analysts who can help them select the best possible options for their clients.

Enerclix provides transparency in the energy sourcing process.

Energy sourcing is a highly complex process that requires brokers to collect large amounts of data from their clients and sources. After collecting the data, brokers then need to analyze the data and select the best possible contracts for their clients. Enerclix provides transparency in the process by allowing brokers to input all relevant data in the Enerclix energy broker platform and select the best possible options for their clients. The data analysis process is fully automated with Enerclix allowing brokers to focus on the most important aspect of their job – selecting the best possible contracts for their clients.

Enerclix provides competitive market pricing data.

To source the best possible rates for their clients, energy brokers need access to the latest market pricing data. The best source for pricing data is the energy brokerage software that has access to the largest number of data points. Enerclix is the only energy sourcing platform that has access to data from both supply and demand sides of the energy equation. Enerclix allows energy brokers to access energy rates from thousands of retail electricity providers and a large number of wholesale energy providers. This allows brokers to source the best possible rates for their clients.

Enerclix offers flexibility for brokers to adapt to constantly changing market conditions.

Retail energy forecasts are notoriously difficult to predict, especially when there are sudden changes in weather conditions. These sudden changes can temporarily cause dramatic changes in energy demand and thus, wholesale energy prices. Enerclix allows retail energy brokers to react to changes in market conditions quickly and easily. Enerclix’s user-friendly interface allows brokers to monitor market conditions and also easily switch contracts when necessary. Most importantly, Enerclix does not charge brokerage firms any switching fees or penalties for changing contracts.

Enerclix Has Proven Track Record Track Record In The Industry

Retail energy is a competitive industry with a high level of risk and uncertainty. Retail energy brokers need to use a firm that has a proven track record in the industry and a strong track record of helping clients meet their energy needs. Enerclix has been providing energy to large and small retailers across the country for over a decade. Enerclix can help retail energy brokers meet their energy needs more cost-effectively, with less risk and uncertainty. Enerclix has a proven track record in the industry and can help retail energy brokers source energy for their clients more cost-effectively, with less risk and uncertainty. Enerclix can help retail energy brokers meet their energy needs more cost-effectively, with less risk and uncertainty.


Retail energy brokers need to constantly monitor changes in the energy market and be prepared to switch contracts if necessary. Enerclix is the only energy sourcing platform that allows brokers to react to changes in market conditions quickly and easily. With Enerclix, brokers can source the best possible rates for their clients without having to pay any switching fees or penalties. Moreover, Enerclix allows brokers to source energy from both supply and demand sides of the energy equation, which gives them access to the largest number of data points and the best possible prices.